Dear Reader...

“It is essential to realize and embrace the paradox that while no one can go through your journey for you, you are not alone.  Everyone is on the same journey.  Everyone shares the same pains, the same confusions, the same fears, which if put out between us, lose their edges and so cut us less.”  
                                                     Mark Nepo, "The Book of Awakening"

   What was meant to be the account of a year of life after a major breakup has turned into more than that.  Yes, the 365 marble commitment stuck (more or less) but later events put me back into remedial breakup management.  It was like the universe saying, “You didn’t finish your work the first time round – here’s your second chance.” 
   The second time round was almost three years later but the lessons and emotions remained the same.  I was, by default, becoming experienced with breakups.  Despite all that I had learned in that first marble year, there was still more that I needed to know. 
    While I was writing on the marbles, I had always thought of this as a book but somehow along the way, the thought of waiting for a publisher’s go ahead became annoying and the idea of turning it into a blog seemed more fitting.  My intention was to reach out a literary hand to express the sentiment that despite the devastation of a breakup, you are not alone, Dear Reader.  No one is.
    As Nietzsche wrote, “Everyone who has ever build anywhere a ‘new heaven’ first found the power thereto in his own hell.” The trick is making our way through the marbles to the light on the other side. With this in mind, I suggest starting with the first post found in the archives, "365 Marbles - Clearing Space" and counting down from there. Each day there will be a new marble until January 31, 2013.  At the end of each post there are a few suggestions/things to ponder/possibilities to try.  If anything resonates, great.  If not, use your own guidance.  I am not an expert, just a fellow traveler.

  Lastly, 365 Marbles chronicles the breakup between a woman and a man but I'm hoping that anyone who is experiencing a split/divorce will be able to see beyond the gender specificity and gain access into the piece.  As an "ambisextrous" woman, I believe that whether you love men or women is unimportant.  What is important is that you love.  

PS Dear Reader, feel free to comment (even if it's just pointing out spelling or grammatical errors).  I'd love to hear from you! In the poet Hafiz's words...

At this Party
I don’t want to be the only one here
Telling all the secrets -
Filling up all the bowls at this party,
Taking all the laughs. 

I would like you
To start putting things on the table
That can also feed the soul
The way I do.
That way We can invite
A hell of a lot more


  1. The post cards you have left in blenz has led me to your site! Your blog is wonderful...I really enjoy traveling with you on your 365 marbles journey (and will continue to do so!). I will be sending this cute post card to my friend in Toronto who is in need of some advice. I've also been looking for unique post cards since forever! So thank you for leaving this present for me. :)

    1. Thanks so much for your comment! It's so great to hear from you and I appreciate you forwarding the postcard to your friend.
      PS. Beware the hot chocolate at Blenz. It's made from real Belgian chocolate and can lead to a serious addiction.

    2. I too found your blog via the post cards you left at Blenz Coffee.... I was traveling to Vancouver/Whistler from Houston, TX with my family over the holidays.

      I have my own blog, and am starting my own business - consequently I have been working on ways to publicize it. Your idea to put out post cards is fantastic, and so much more fun than business cards.

      I look forward to reading your blog.



      Try It: A Blog of New Adventures

      Kelsey Creveling Career & Image Consulting

    3. Hi Kelsey,
      Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! Your blog looks great. I love all the visuals. Good luck with it and if you get some postcards designed, I'd love to see them...
