Eye Contact

357 Marbles 
Is there a cure for a broken heart?  Only time can heal your broken heart, just as time can heal his broken arms and legs;)
Miss Piggy

    My daughter broke down in tears today.  I enveloped her body and we rocked in the chair.  She cried, “You and daddy act like strangers.  You don’t even make eye contact anymore.”
    My chest constricted.  I soothed her and tried to explain how sometimes there’s too much hurt in eyes.  I told her that it wouldn’t always be like this.  It is like a cut that has to heal and until it does, it hurts to look into her Daddy’s eyes.  
    How can I tell her that looking into his eyes reminds me of all our good intentions gone awry, all our dreams that weren’t realized.  Our eyes have flashed with love and even hate at times.  When I see his green eyes, I remember our eyes locking when our babies were conceived at times of deep love and commitment (yep, we always knew).
    Right now it hurts to look into his eyes, but it hurts our daughter more for me not to.  I promised her,  “I will try to look in your Daddy’s eyes.”

If you have children, remember that they see all and sense even more.  What messages are you both wittingly and unconsciously giving them about your ex?   If they are your joint children, how does this affect the way they view themselves? 

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