
356 Marbles 

    Horoscopes are like a cosmic pep talk.  It’s not even that I logically believe that a twelfth of the Earth’s population could be experiencing the same occurrences, but I do appreciate the fact that they’re generally positive. I’m also open to the idea that inspiration can come in myriad forms - fortune cookies, lucky pennies on the sidewalk, horoscopes, a good minister, as well as the obvious - intuition.
    There are three weekly publications that I grab for horoscopes and I always find at least one of the Pisces entries that I like.  My buffet of horoscopes includes - Rob Brezny http://freewillastrology.com/horoscopes/; Rose Marcus (http://www.straight.com/content/lifestyle/astrology, and Tim Stephens http://www.astralreflections.com/index.html.  In addition I check Susan Miller’s monthly forecast http://astrologyzone.com/ and the shaman website http://www.thepowerpath.com/.  I admit that this practice makes me a certifiable flake, but it is a nice thought that when navigating the tides of life you can sometimes orient by looking to the stars.  I don’t take what I find and let it rule my actions but I do check in to see if there is anything that resonates with me. 
    The general theme in my horoscopes lately is that I’m on the right track even if the road seems bumpy and treacherous.   Lots of death cycle stuff (no kidding).  I can’t wait until Spring!

Stay open to the ways that spirit talks in your life.  Play with the idea that there are no accidents - that everything, including your breakup, is part of the cosmic plan.  As the poet Hafiz wrote, "The place where you are right now, God circled on the map for you."

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