A Home for a Bunny

288 Marbles
You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it's all right. 
Maya Angelou

    Before I could read, I was obsessed with Margaret Wise Brown’s picture book “Home for a Bunny.”  I insisted that my Mom read it over and over again until I finally had it memorized.  When I could recite it by heart, I thought I was “reading”. 
    Not only did this book tickle my literacy bone, I still remember the story about a bunny searching for a home “under a rock, a tree, or a stone.”  The bunny asks various animals where their homes are and all of the habitats are unsuitable - in trees or bogs.  Finally, the bunny finds another bunny and the two rabbits shack up. 
    I think that most of my life I’ve been searching for home.  I’ve found lots of critters to co-habitate with, but none of them have been home.  I’ve gained some good insights along the way about what home feels like and what it doesn’t feel like.  I started on the quest because the place where I came from didn’t feel exactly like what I wanted home to be.  Turns out, from a young age I was hard-wired to be domesticated. 
   So what is home to me?  A soft place to fall but not because the world is a spiky and dangerous place but because I can get tired fluttering out in the world.  So maybe it’s better to say that home is a soft place to land, surrounded by people whom I love, the incubator for all our creativity.  And now that Ex-man is no longer part of my equation of home, I have the freedom in the next 297 Marbles to figure out exactly what I want my home to be like and feel like. 

Here are a few quotes about home:

Home is not where you live but where they understand you.  
~Christian Morgenstern 

"There's no place like home.  There's no place like home." 
Dorothy Gale, The Wizard of Oz Movie (or in the book, "Take me home to Aunt Em!")

Where we love is home,
Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Homesick in Heaven

Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration.  
~Charles Dickens

He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.  
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home.
~ Thornton Wilder

Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey.
~Tad Williams

If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house, I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.
~Gaston Bachelard

It is not so important where one settles down. The best thing is to follow your instincts without too much reflection.
~Albert Einstein 

Home is the girl’s prison and the woman’s workhouse.  
~George Bernard Shaw

Tee hee - the last one is for contrast but it's humor is in its accuracy. What is home to you?  Have you created the home you want?  Do you want to be at home more?  Do you want your energy to be out in the world more?  What would it take to create the balance that you desire?

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