Subtle Reactions

8 Marbles 

    As the marbles come to an end, my job is to notice all the strings that still tie me to Ex-man. Those ties are not as strong as they were 358 Marbles ago but they still tug at me occasionally. If I never had to see him again letting go would be easier. But as it is, until our kids get older, I still have to deal with him on a fairly regular basis and no one can push my buttons like he can (he knows where they are).
I once had a lover whose mantra was, "Time and distance are the only things that heal a broken heart." We have had time but not much distance. 
    Four marbles ago, I wrote about keeping the heart open but I can also learn from those moments when my heart and my body constrict and close inward as sometimes happens when I deal with Ex-man. Of late, my exercise has been to listen to the subtle nuances of my body talking to me about those strings that are still attached.
    Today as I wrote him an email, I noticed my solar plexus becoming tight. Interesting. I stopped and asked what my body was trying to tell me. I was perceiving his reaction to the email reminding him of our need to move forward with our son’s orthodontics - a considerable joint expense. I asked myself if I could let his reaction go and get bigger and my body opened up. I no longer had to be attached to his response.
Do you listen to the subtle reactions of your body? What are they trying to tell you?

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