
26 Marbles 
I change my mind so much I need two boyfriends and a girlfriend.

    I work with a man who is in an open marriage.  They are polyamorous (they have more than one open romantic relationship at a time) - he has a girlfriend and his wife has a girlfriend. I admire their honesty as I also know people who are in "monogamous relationships" but have affairs.  I’m just amazed this couple manages to juggle two kids, two jobs, and two significant others when I have difficulty juggling work, school, and children.  They must be time management gurus. 
    I’m curious about the myriad ways that people live their lives.  Often we get stuck into the assumption that monogamy is the only alternative.  Yet this couple is happy, they love each other, they’ve been together over a dozen years, their kids are great and they’re honest with each other. He’s even said that I should call up his (hot) wife some time and get together and, all 26 marbles aside, I’ve resisted the offer.  It’s not that I don’t understand the concept of loving more than one person at a time, I just know that my clit bone is connected to my heart bone. I would want more. 
When I first became sexually active, I was a kilted Catholic schoolgirl. But times have changed and so have I. I have to thank Savage Love (the weekly sex-advice column written by Dan Savage) for expanding what I’ve thought was normal and possible when it comes to sex and relationships. Dude from New Orleans also helped out with his view that sex is playtime for adults. I’ve experienced many types of sex from the sacred, to the hot, to the fun and, as the marbles dwindle, I’m open to more...

Have you ever read Savage Love? Check it out: http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/SavageLove?oid=15701114

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