Betting on the Wrong Ponies

156 Marbles 

    There’s a girl I know who claims that all her boyfriends start making money after she has broken up with them.  She’s had a string of boyfriends who have been relative paupers while dating her and extremely successful once they're her exes.  She’s starting to wonder if it’s just an annoying coincidence or if somehow she is a springboard for these guys and if it is the latter, why doesn’t she stay around to do the springing? 
    It’s not like her former dates were all in med school - they’ve all had their successes in various fields.  Maybe she’s attracted to the potential in a person and once they start getting closer to achieving something, it’s less attractive to her.  She feels like she’s always betting on the wrong ponies but I don’t find that belief particularly helpful (even in her analogy, it’s not the wrong pony, just not waiting until her pony hits his stride). But gone are the days when a woman has to rely on a man and a man’s success or failure in his career.  I’m wondering what it would take for her to get herself in the race?
    I wonder what it would be someone like Oprah’s ex-boyfriend, one of the ones who kicked her out for eating crackers in bed?  Are there bragging rights for such a thing or if it’s more of a dunce cap?  In truth, it’s neither but in this human world of successes and failures, it’s gotta smart. 
    I hear from my kids that Ex-man is looking to buy a cabin.  It smarts a bit because for all the years that we were together, we never purchased anything jointly.  For me, it is less about finances and more about an unwillingness to allow our relationship to grow and expand (and that clearly was lacking on both our sides). His cabin-hunting is a reminder of what didn’t exist in our relationship.  And the breakup has given me the freedom to create what I want to create.  What would it take to get me in the race?

What would you do if you found out your ex won the lottery?  What would you do if you found out your ex declared bankruptcy?  Could you let go of all attachments to what your ex does or doesn’t do?  (Yep, if there are kids involved, this is über tricky.)

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