The Pitch

147 Marbles
A creative idea has its own energy field and can generate the synchronistic involvement of people and circumstances required to carry the idea through to the next stage of life. 
Caroline Myss, Ph.D.  "Anatomy of Spirit"

    I met with my prof this morning to talk about my series ideas.  When I presented her with the two options (writing a script from my developed series or going with the new burlesque series) she strongly recommended the latter.  According to her, broadcasters like sexy (that seems like a blanket statement, but I’ll go with it).
    Today I had to pull my nebulous idea together enough to pitch it in class.  When I was done, someone asked me, “Where is it set?” Without thinking about it, my immediate response was, “New Orleans.”  New Orleans?  I know nothing about New Orleans except that it’s the home of hurricanes and jazz, and the setting for the wacky novel Confederacy of Dunces.  This should be interesting. 
    So now I’ve got a ton of research to do on New Orleans and the history of burlesque and neo-burlesque (that would be the current generation of burlesque performers).  More importantly, I have to figure out what happens in the story and come out with an outline of the pilot episode.  I’ve got three weeks. 
    When I got home from class, I had some time before I picked up my repaired car and my kids so I did some internet research and found a New Orleanian man (or Nawlander) who has compiled a series of on the legendary burlesque stars.  After reading through several life stories, I realized, ‘This is going to be fun!’   Then I went to my library website and requested books of interest: burlesque books, French Quarter architecture, New Orleans gardens, New Orleans history - any book that would help me flesh out this burlesque troupe that is assembling in my head and find a location for them to land. 
    The author Neil Gaiman said that when he was starting his career, he would see his goals/dreams as a mountain and when he was uncertain, all he needed to do was decide whether he was walking closer to the mountain or away from it.  I definitely feel like I’m walking closer to the mountain. I’m also aware that writing is really just a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia and I’m starting to hear the whispers of a troupe of interesting characters just waiting to get voices and bodies. 

Author, Chris Widener wrote, “You conceive your world in your mind then create it with your hands.” What would it take to use your hands to create the world that you want? 

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