It Just Has to Get into the Right Hands

136 Marbles 

    Whenever I get overwhelmed by the amount of work that I have to do in order to write the pilot of my series, I take a breath and come back to this truth: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” (Lao Tzu). I’m at the first step - doing the research.  Second step- writing the outline.  Third step - First draft.  After that, there’s a lot of rewriting, after that - pitching?   
    Sometimes it can be pretty challenging to be creative when there are kids to be fed, classes to go to, and a job that pays the bills but these days I’m grateful for the balance that I have with family time and time without my kids.  If it weren’t for the breakup with Ex-man, I’d still be a 24/7 mom and there would be less space to do what I’m doing.  As much as I love my kids, they take up a great deal of focus and attention so now I can fill my weekend days with writing. 
    Some call me an extremist, but I like to immerse myself in a project from several angles.  This term I’m also taking an Earth and Ocean Science course and my prof has accepted my proposal to study the Mississippi River delta for my final project.  This way I’ll learn about the physical foundation that is underneath the series that I’m building. 
    Whenever I get overwhelmed by the amount of details that have to align in order for my work to see the light of day, I take a breath and come back to this truth: It just has to get into the right hands.  Maybe this is my own brand of surrender - doing the work necessary and allowing it to find the people that believe in possibility and can make it happen.  I’ve formulated my mantra: It just has to get into the right hands. 

Do you have something in your life that would benefit from a personal mantra?  I have a friend who was getting discouraged with being single and she chose the mantra, “It could change in an instant” knowing that any day she could meet someone who could turn into a significant other. 

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