Who Knew?

144 Marbles
The only real valuable thing is intuition.
Albert Einstein

    I took out a few library books to help research New Orleans burlesque for my script outline.  What I’m discovering is that the city has a rich history of burlesque and presently has a vibrant neo-burlesque scene.  Who knew that when I blurted out New Orleans as the setting for my series that I was onto something?  I was also amazed to find that brothels were often called “sporting palaces” - maybe that will be the history of the building and another generation of the women in the story - perhaps the original owner of Burlesque Palace. 
    One of the guest lecturers who we had last term was a director who described how some of the scripts he received had locations and situations that couldn’t be shot in the city where he was shooting the series he was working on.  He said that often, writers were located in LA and they had no frame of reference for the areas and settings where his series was shot - for example, they would write scenes set in car manufacturing plants when there were no such plants for thousands of miles so they’d have to improvise.  I don’t want to be one of those writers who pens a setting that I haven’t experienced.  Eventually, I’ll have to go down and experience New Orleans first hand - the heat, the language, the food -  the jambalaya of energies that make it the Big Easy.  Lots of effort for a school assignment?  Maybe it won’t just be a school assignment.  

The medical researcher Jonas Salk noted, “Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.”  What would it take to fully mine your intuition as the valuable resource that it is?  

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