Without a Shadow of a Doubt

138 Marbles

    Yesterday’s doubt marble has got me thinking about how much we affect life and how much we are affected by it - in other words, how active or passive are we in our lives?
    It seems to me, the people that we admire most on this planet are the ones who set their goals and doggedly work towards them, overcoming all obstacles until their dreams have been achieved.  They are the “successful” artists, the athletes, the businesspeople - anyone who has made a mark in their own field.  We tell stories about their determination - the power of the human spirit -  and somehow their victories are our victories, or at least a damn good inspiration to get our own butts off the couch and get active in our own lives. 
    One such person who was active in his own life and effected change in many people’s lives was Steve Jobs. As the co-founder of Apple Computers, Jobs was infamous for his Reality Distortion Field or his ability to use his charismatic charm to convince himself and others to believe almost anything.  Apparently he had many tools in his toolbox that facilitated this process including: bravado, hyperbole, marketing, and tenacity.  He set forth many “impossible” tasks for his team but by distorting what they thought was possible, he made it so. He seemed to abide in the realm of without a shadow of a doubt. 
    More incredibly, Tererai Trent was once a young girl with a dream to move to America and obtain her PhD.  This goal doesn’t seem far-fetched but considering she was from rural Zimbabwe and was forbidden an education because of her gender, the goal seemed insurmountable.  Her mother told her to write her goals down on a piece of paper and bury them wrapped in a piece of tin.  Check her out at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tererai_Trent to see how sometimes a long and winding road can lead us right where we wanted to be. 
    How is it that some people create their dream lives while others do not?  In her book, The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By, Carol S. Pearson, claims that the people that are good at achieving their dreams are those who have activated the magician within.  She writes, “When the Magician archetype is activated, you feel confident that you know what ought to be done to transform your life or your world. You stop letting others make your decisions and you develop a vision for where you want to go.  You also are willing to risk action - to get behind the wheel of your life.  You activate the gear shift of magic when you begin to act in keeping with your values and your life purpose.  It is as if you place yourself in just that magical position that allows the gears of the universe to align with you and support your efforts.  When you do so, you find that fortuitous coincidences begin to occur that open the path for you.”
    Perhaps by activating the Magician archetype we become active and passive simultaneously - actively moving forward while somewhat more passively magnetizing those situations that support our goals. But where does surrender fit into the equation?  That’s a whole other marble…

How can you claim the Magician within you and make her/him more active in your life? 

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