First Day of School

154 Marbles 

    Today my kids started school after summer break.  I don’t have classes until tomorrow so I spent the day cleaning the house from top to bottom, getting rid of all the grunge that builds up during the busy days of summer. 
    One of my cleaning techniques is to take all items off a surface, such as a shelf, and dust each item.  As I’m dusting, I try to decide if the item still holds value for me (or for my kids) - if it does, it gets to go back on the shelf, if it doesn’t it’s toast.  I ask “why?” a lot in this process, “Why is this here?” “Why am I holding onto this?”  An item that caught my attention today was the only framed photo of Ex-man and me.  It didn’t make the cut, not because I want to cut him from my history, but because the photo felt old to me (my kids still have a nice photo of their dad in their room).  I tried to take the photo of us out of the frame (so I could replace it with a photo of the kids) but the photo stuck to the inside of the glass and wouldn’t come off even after soaking.  Finally, I scrubbed the photo off the glass, cutting my middle finger in the process (nobody said breakups were a spectator sport).
    I love the spacious feeling of the house after a good clean.  I’ve noted a few things that I could do to make our little nest homier.  I’ve let go of the old and I’m making way for the new.  I just hope the new includes getting into my writing for TV class at school…

What would it take for me (and especially my kids) to keep our home cleaner everyday?

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