One Week to Go

97 Marbles
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Day five of the cleanse and all is well. My chocolate and bread cravings have subsided and despite eating plentifully and well, I’m losing a bit of weight around my middle and my thighs. What I’ve noticed is the cleanse is making me mindful of what I eat and more appreciative of the flavors in my food. Yesterday I was conscious that I definitely need to slow down when I’m eating so I’m trying to make mindful, conscious eating part of my daily ritual.   
    Another way that I slow down when I’m feeling life’s busyness is to take myself out to my garden. Ex-man is a landscaper so one of the best gifts was to design a garden so that I could sow new plants and flowering bulbs.  The breakup happened before he was able to bring all the soil so many of the plants and bulbs were sown too shallow and after some time and soil erosion, the roots have appeared on the surface.  Note to self: get a soil delivery in the spring. 
    This year when the flowers bloomed, they toppled over from lack of support so today, I took each of the bulbs and dug them deeper into the earth.  As I was re-sowing, I thought, “Now you have support.  Next year you can grow straight and strong.  Your roots are protected and you have everything you need.”  And that’s exactly what I’m doing this year.  I’m gathering everything that I need and I’m staying grounded and rooted so I can flower.

George Bernard Shaw wrote, “The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there.” Do you have a little patch of garden that you cultivate?  If not, what would it take to grow plants, have a plot in a community garden, or carve out a garden in your yard?

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