Clearing the Garage

203 Marbles 

    I emailed Ex-man last week to ask him to come get the remainder of his belongings from the garage.  I figure that I’ve been quite patient but it’s time for me to move on and not have to look at his stuff every time that I go into the garage.
    Today I phone to ask him if he had received my email.  He went into a long story about how his iphone was water damaged and now he can’t see the screen well.  I asked him about his computer and he told me that he didn’t have his email set up yet.  So I recapped – I’d like the stuff out of the garage in a month or I’ll take it out myself.  He told me he didn’t think it was possible.  I told him that perhaps he had another friend who wouldn’t mind his stuff in the garage. 
    Although this request isn’t in the spirit of vindictiveness, I couldn’t help but remember how when we were living together in his house, I had some stuff in storage from when I had to clear out my parent’s house when they went into care homes.  One day, he and a friend took everything and put it into a truck and took it away to the dump.  I was so upset to come home and find the storage room completely cleared out.  I tried to take it as well as I could because I knew the stuff was in the way.  I also knew that I was having trouble letting go but the thing that made me most upset was all of my mother’s hand-written recipes, all the food that she used to prepare when I was growing up,  all of those went to the landfill as well.  Okay, so maybe I haven’t quite let go of that. 
    So we’ll see what happens.  We’ll see if he gets his shed made and gathers his stuff from the garage.  Either way, at the end of the month, it’s out of here…

Are there still details that tie you and your X together?  In the spirit of letting go and moving on, would it help to address them? 

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