253 Marbles
I work with a German man named Marc. We ride our bicycles home together after work. He’s the safe, married type of friend (no threat to the marble commitment). Marc is überfit and has recently coerced a few coworkers to form a Monday Morning Grouse Grind Club – a group committed to a weekly 3 km grueling hike to the top of Grouse Mountain. But grueling is relative - Marc does “mother nature’s stairmaster” with his heavy toddler on his back.
When I was at the bottom of the mountain on the first hike, the task seemed daunting, the peak too high. The first quarter was difficult until I got my stride, regulating my breathing. After the halfway mark, I became tired as the trail became rockier and steeper. This was the most difficult part of the trail as the top seemed far away. I gathered my gumption and focused on finding strong footholds. The hike is a perfect metaphor for my life post breakup: I don’t have to know the future twists and turns but I have to continue to be aware of choosing the next best step.
Yesterday’s marble mentioned the three types of attraction that have to be present for a healthy relationship. Similarly, I recognize three aspects in my life that have to be present for me to feel balanced: physical fitness, mental stimulation, and an awareness of spirit. I find exercise is a great tool to help work through a breakup. It is widely known that exercise decreases cortisol and other stress hormones and increases the feel good endorphins. So after the challenging one hour hike, my mood was naturally boosted and the bonus was the view from the top of the mountain - the ocean and the beautiful city of Vancouver, 2800 feet below.
Do you get enough exercise? If not, make a commitment to get your body moving. When you’re feeling down, get your body moving and release the SAD with a little help from: Serotonin, Adrenaline, and Dopamine. You’re guaranteed to feel better.
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