Commencement Speeches

248 Marbles
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

Dr. Suess, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”

    Commencement speeches are the ultimate pep talk and remedy for the negative understudy seen in Marble 249.  They have an incredible buoyancy to lift even the heaviest of moods and mindsets.  Listen to a commencement speech when you’re low and you’ll have the feeling that you can tackle the world - Oh, the places you’ll go…
    Some of the familiar themes in these speeches include listening to your intuition, being true to yourself, not being discouraged by mistakes, and enjoying life along the way.  They may be hackneyed themes but they are usually delivered with personality and in a clever way so that it breaks through the conventions of the genre. 
    And why not obsess about commencement speeches post breakup?  A breakup is a type of graduation after all- -you’ve gone through a period of learning, it may have cost you a great deal of money, you’re saying good-bye to people that you’ve known during the process,  and, most importantly, you’ll take you’re acquired knowledge from the education of your relationship and commence a new stage in your life.  Maybe it’s time for a grad party to celebrate graduating from the school of Ex-man/woman. 
    Some of my favorite commencement speeches are:
  • Dr Suess at Lake Forest College: no youtube link but you might know his speech as his book, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”

Could you compile a kit bag of uplifting speeches that speak to you? Could you use Youtube as a way to access people you admire and use them as your mentors?  Could you use their encouragement as pollination?

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