The Wisdom of the Body

167 Marbles
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies.
Friedrich Nietzche

    It’s been just over two weeks since Ex-man and I were at the lake and had our tryst.  It may seem odd that after six marble months of holding on and trying to let go, there was a shift that happened that particular marble that allowed me to know that Ex-man wasn’t right for me.  We were always good lovers but I’m looking for a friend and a partner and we were not good in those areas.  Not good at all. 
    I don’t regret having sex with my ex.  It allowed me to tap into the wisdom of my body.  My body was still physically attracted to him and by following that attraction I was able to access my awareness that despite things still anatomically fitting together, energetically we are no longer a fit.  It was clear to me that there were more points of disconnection than points of connection.  If I did not follow my body into that experience, I would not have the clarity that I have now. 

Eduardo Geleano wrote:
 “The Church says: The body is a sin.
Science says: The body is a machine.
Advertising says: The body is a business.
The body says: I am a fiesta.”

What do you say about your body? What does your body say about itself?  

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