331 Marbles
There are two sides to the heart: the atria receive blood and the ventricles pump it out to the body. Obviously the system is vital to our very existence and when it’s not working, we know about it.
There are also two sides to the non-atomical heart (the heart that has less to do with pumping blood, and more to do with pumping love): the one side of the heart receives love from others, the other side is all about circulating love for the self. The whole system is vital to our wellness and if it’s not working, we become out of balance.
When the part of the heart that is meant to love oneself has atrophied, It can manifest in sentiments such as, “I love him/her so much (in small print – that I’ll put up with an unhealthy amount of bad behaviour just to be with him/her).” But where is the love for the self in this statement? I’ve
been in unhealthy situations that I can shake my head at now. At a
distance, I can ask myself,“How could I have stayed?” The answer at the
time was, “Because I loved him.” But again, where was the love for
What I’m noticing for myself after this break up is that I’ve really only ever focused on the part of my heart that deals with others. Sure, I’ve done things to care for myself like eating right and exercising, but on a fundamental level, the self-love side of my heart is weaker and at the moment, filled with blockages.
Maybe a breakup is like a metaphorical heart attack and like a physical heart attack it can be just as life threatening and life altering. Like a real heart attack survivor, my job over the next 331 marbles is to get rid of all the elements that damage my heart, and seek out ways that support it. My job is to strengthen and balance my heart.
Take a few moments to draw a picture of your heart. Draw the left side to be the part that loves others. Draw the right side to be the part that loves yourself. Are both sides balanced? If not, what would it take to make both sides of your heart balanced and working in harmony?
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