The Snake

91 Marbles

    I had to borrow Ex-man’s snake today (literally, not figuratively) as the sink in the bathroom wasn’t draining. I had already tried the liquid drain cleaning product to no avail. Yes, I could call the landlord but they give me such an awesome deal on my rent that I try to fix what I can and use the professionals only for emergencies. 
    Well, Ex-man’s snake didn’t solve the problem (it never did figuratively so why would it literally?)  I then had to take apart the plumbing underneath the sink and try to clear the scunge the old-fashioned way.  Yuck!
    I don’t mind being a Jackie of all trades, even though I broke a nail loosening the u-pipe thingy. There is something about stretching myself in ways I didn’t think possible, of doing things that are outside of my norm. I’ve had friends that have taken up marathon running later in life and whereas fixing a bathroom sink is not quite the same thing, it does shift the way I see myself and open myself up to more possibilities of what it means to be me.
    When the sink was draining and the area cleaned, I felt proud of myself.  My daughter got to see that women are capable of a variety of tasks (although I’m pretty sure that her take on it is “I’m gonna get me a man to do all those jobs.”) For me the take-away is that I can indeed survive on my own. The next question for exploration, in ≥ 91 marbles, is can I thrive in a relationship?

Can you stretch yourself and do something that is outside of what you would normally do? What would it look like to be stretching ourselves everyday?

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