
34 Marbles 
    In marble 293, I wrote about going in for a mammogram because of a lump I found on my breast.  At the time, I was feeling very much alone - that nobody had my back. Luckily, the mammogram and the subsequent ultrasound both came back negative - nothing to be concerned about. More luck had it that 259 marbles later, I feel less like nobody has my back and more like I can stand on my own two feet.  
    Today I went in to my naturopath’s office for a breast thermograph - a non-invasive test to check the overall  breast health. She scheduled me for the test because I had a history of recurring mastitis when I was breastfeeding my kids. She also knew about the non-threatening lump that was found earlier in the year and just wanted to check it out. 
     As I was sitting in the waiting room, I flipped through a magazine and noticed breasts being used to sell a great many products from lingerie to cars. Page after page, I noticed our fascination with cleavage…a woman’s breasts are generally for other people’s enjoyment from babies, to lovers, to strangers in the street. After my first son was born, I went to the grocery store and experienced, for the first time, a man talking to my chest.  I didn’t know whether to bend my knees so I could establish eye contact or allow him to continue his conversation with my then humungous hooters.
    My daughter is just entering adolescence and her breasts are starting to develop.  Oddly, I don’t remember what it was like for me when I started developing, but I do remember my older sister and how she used to get attention when she wore tight t-shirts.  I, however, kept my chest small with a combo of exercise, genetic sympathy and later, eating disorders. I find it slightly ironic that I now wear padded bras that make me look fuller (I know, false advertising).
    So my breasts are tired of just hanging around and they’re asking for a bit of care this year.
What is your favorite part of your body? What is your least favorite body part? What would it take for you to love all of your body?

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